About us

We turned our Hobby in to our profession. Contact with interesting people and exercise while taking care of our apartments is fun. We three are a German, an American, an Arabic and look forward to greeting guests from around the world.

We could accompany you an a bike tour or pass on great tips for your leisure time or work. Just ask us!


If you want more Information, please contact us!


Consideration of our neighbors is very important to us! Please behave peaceful and friendly, just as you would like others to behave.

The house has been renovated to an Up-To-Date standard. We would greatly appreciate your help in treating and taking good care of our furniture, apartment, house, and property.

We wish to offer every guest a healthy living enviroment. That is the reason that we don not allow smoking in the apartments, the rooms and near any open doors or windows. With the following guests in mind we will check the apartment during every Check-Out for smoke smells or signs. Should this be the case, we will fine you €500.00. On top of that we will also charge the following costs of extra cleaning, drapes dry-cleaning, rug cleaning plus any new purchases of beds or sofas that are necessary. Please spare yourself and us this course of action by smoking far away from the house. Thank you!